Tuesday, September 24, 2024  

Climate Week NYC CDR Summit 2024

Join us for the Puro.earth CDR Summit in New York City on September 24, 2024 during Climate Week. This event is a pivotal gathering for leaders in the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) sector, focused on fostering collaboration, innovation, and investment in carbon removal technologies.

The Climate Week NYC CDR Summit aims to bring together industry pioneers, experts, and stakeholders in the carbon removal ecosystem. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussions, share insights, and explore the latest advancements in CDR methodologies.

This summit builds on the success of previous events, including last year's New York CDR Summit, and is part of our ongoing commitment to accelerate the growth of the carbon removal sector. Last year's attendees and sponsors included notable organizations such as XPRIZE, NextGen, Patch, EcoEngineers, Eion, Cloverly, GECA, Go Biosystems, Carbon Business Council and more.

New York cityscape at Columbus Circle in Manhattan.

Alexia Kelly, Managing Director of CPMI at High Tide Foundation
Edward Sanders, COO of Equatic
Carolyn Weinberg, Executive Fellow Harvard Business School & Former Chief Product Innovation Officer at Blackrock
Ali Mashayek, Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Deborah Lawrence, Chief Scientist & Director of Forest and Land at Calyx Global
Alicia Karspeck, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer at [C]Worthy
Fredrik Ekström, Global Head of Carbon Markets Nasdaq & Chairman of Puro.earth
Toby Bryce, Managing Director of Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture
Dominic Lüdin, Chief Growth Officer at Carbonfuture
Dana Gibber, Co-Founder & CEO of Flowcarbon
Aniket Shah, Managing Director & Global Head of ESG at Jeffries Group, LLC
Mitch Rubin, Director of Innovation at Elemental Excelerator
Nate Beatty, Former VP of Science at Running Tide
Ben Rubin, Executive Director of Carbon Business Council
Antti Vihavainen, CEO of Puro.earth
Anu Kahn, Founder and Executive Director at Carbon Removal Standards Initiative
Daniel Broberg, Senior Advisor for Deployment at the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Ana Carolina Szklo, Technical Director – Markets and Standards at VCMI
Marta Krupinska, CEO & Co-Founder of CUR8
David LaGreca, Managing Director at EcoEngineers
Diego Justiniano, President at Exomad
Marcelo Pereira, COO and Co-Founder of Exomad
Masao Koyama, Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal at Mitsubishi
Daniel Klier, CEO of South Pole
Naim Merchant, Co-Founder & Executive Director at Carbon Removal Canada
Melissa Leung, Director of Business Development and Carbon at GECA Environment
David Koweek, Chief Scientist at Ocean Visions

The Puro.earth Climate Week NYC CDR Summit will deliver: 

Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of investors, innovators, and carbon credit purchasers, all eager to collaborate and share knowledge.

Expert Insights: Gain valuable perspectives from industry leaders through keynote addresses and panel discussions on pressing issues in carbon removal.

Interactive Sessions: Participate in supplier pitches and speed networking sessions designed to foster connections and potential partnerships.

Check out the video highlight below from the 2023 event.

CDR+Summit-NY 2024

"The 1-day-event was great as it enabled networking with those keen on pre-purchasing carbon removal credits and funding our emerging technology. They're very excited about our technology and hopefully can become stakeholders." Bryan Eagle, Glanris​
"I really loved the Puro.earth summit. It brought together a wide range of investors, innovators, and carbon credit purchasers. This is a great forum for connecting and collaborating with each other.​" Caitlin Wale, Kinjani​
"This is an excellent summit, providing a valuable opportunity to bring many people together. It has allowed me to gain a holistic sense of what is changing and how people are generally thinking about CDR." Ph.D., Steffi Muhanji, Microsoft​

9:00: Doors Open + Breakfast

9:30: Welcome and Puro News & Market Insights

9:45: Policy & Integrity Panel

10:30:  Project Developer Panel

​11:00: Networking + Coffee Break

​11:30: Lessons Learned Panel

12:00: Sales Channels & Marketplaces Panel

​12:25:  Lunch Break 


1:05: Finance & Investment Panel


1:45: Supplier Showcases


2:50: Networking + Coffee Break


3:20: Marine CDR Panel


4:00: Marine CDR Presentation


4:15: Buyers Panel


5:00: Happy Hour  

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